Graph matching methods

Graph matching is an indispensable part of Fautl Diagnosis via Structural Analysis. fault-diagnosis provides 6 different algorithms for matching, through the Matcher class.

Matcher instantiation

The Matcher object is instantiated by providing the GraphInterface object it should act upon.


The Matcher functionality applies changes directly onto the provided GraphInterface. If you want to preserve the original graph create a copy with the copy function.

Call the setCausality(causality) method to choose the causality setting (among None, Integral, Differential, Mixed and Realistic) for the mather algorithms which use it.

Matching algorithms

The matching algorithms which are offered by fault-diangosis are presented below. The member matchingSet is filled with the matching(s) the matching procedures uncover.


Arguments numMatchings: number of matchings to return

Uses Murty’s algorithm which returns the k-cheapest matchings of a just-constrained graph, in order of increasing cost. The cheapest matching is applied.


Arguments maxRank: The maximum rank up to which variables must be matched maxMatchings: The maximum number of matchings that are allowed to be performed

This is a modifiation of the Ranking matching algorithm. It matches a variable to an equation only if is the only unknown variable. Also, the matchings are performed in the order of increasing cost.

Due to its nature, the weighted matching algorithm does not create loops in the matched directed graph.


This algorithm applies only to just-constrained graphs. It produces all possible matchings in order of increasing cost and then filters them according to realistic causality. The cheapest valid matching is returned and applied.


This is similar to ValidJust but is applicable only to MSO graphs.

It runs ValidJust to all just-constrained subgraphs and selects the cheapest valid matching, which is returned and applied.


This is an extension of Valid which is applicable to all graphs. It produces the set of MSOs which are parsed for their cheapest valid matching, similar to the previous algorithm. The cheapest valid mathing across all MSOs is returned and applied. Useful for matching PSO graphs.


Arguments branchMethod: cheap, BFS, DFS

This algorithm is applicable to PSO graphs and poses the valid matching problem as a Branch-and-Bound Integer Linear Programming (BBILP) problem. It initially relaxes the problem into a simple assignment problem which is solved by the Hungarian algorithm. The relaxed solution is then verified. Any violating edge is used as a branching node in a search tree which is parsed in search of the cheapest valid solution.

This algorithm is designed to perform much faster (most of the time) in constrained matching problems with exponentially many constraints, where traditionally all candidate matchings must be checked for validity before the cheapest one is selected (as the Valid2 algorithm does).