Use the Log Analyzer checks

Log Analyzer is a Python toolbox, part of the ArduPilot project, used to parse and perform rudimentary tests on DataFlash log files, primarily for ArduCopter logs.

The tests relevant to the AruPlane logs have been ported in mavlink-inspector and can be invoked from within it.

Invoking the test vector

On your MATLAB terminal, type


After the script returns, a cleartext report .txt file with the name report_log-analyzer-all.txt will have been created alongside your DataFlash log. Open it to read the test results.

An example output is

TestBrownout: Test for a log that has been truncated in flight - Ported from ArduPilot LogAnalyzer
No brownout detected | Warning: This check is discouraged - barometer drift may affect results

TestEmpty: Test for empty or near-empty logs - Ported from ArduPilot LogAnalyzer
PASSED: Throttle maximum value is 75

TestGPSGlitch: Test for GPS glitch reporting or bad GPS data (satellite count, hdop) - Ported from ArduPilot LogAnalyzer
PASSED: Min Satellites: 7 | Max HDop: 1.06

TestVCC: Test for VCC within recommendations, or abrupt end to log in flight - Ported from ArduPilot LogAnalyzer
PASSED: Vcc is within bounds

TestCompass: Test for compass offsets and throttle interference - Ported from ArduPilot LogAnalyzer
FAILED: | Measured magnetic field out of bounds

TestDupeLogData: Test for duplicated data in log, which has been happening on PX4/Pixhawk - Ported from ArduPilot LogAnalyzer
FAILED: Duplicate data found in the log

TestIMUMatch: Test compatibility between IMU1 and IMU2 - Ported from ArduPilot LogAnalyzer
PASSED: Mismatch: 0.468257, WARN: 0.75, FAIL: 1.5

A few more words on the tests

log-analyzer-all is a test profile name, passed to the profiles script, which is tasked to create a predefined set of tests (in this case, all the tests ported from LogAnalyzer). Each test is an object of a specialized test class.

Each test is passed the msgs variable, containing all the messages extraced from the log, the formats variable, containing the message definitions and the env variable, containing auxiliary data.

The input variables are parsed separately by each test, each time the test method test is invoked.

The test result is stored inside the test property (member) result.

The test result can be printed by invoking the printResult method.