Scenario: Using last_letter as an RC simulator

For this scenario, you will need to have a joystick (or similar device visible to the “joy” ROS package) plugged in to your machine. If this is the fist time you interface last_letter with an input device, you will need to configure it, according to this guide.


roslaunch last_letter launcher.launch

will start the simulator running the last_letter standard aircraft, visible in the rviz visualizer, under direct, manual user control. It will also open the rqt_dashboard plugin for rqt_gui, which contains virtual flight instruments. The manualMode parameter is set to true by default.

Camera angle

Until now, there is no way to configure the camera position to stay fixed on the ground, like in most traditional RC Simulators. The available camera configurations are available in the Views panel of rviz, in the Type dropdown list.